Dokumenter og referater fra mødet 15. juni 2022 Dokumenter 2022-06-15 SB 10 - Dagsorden.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 2022-06-15 SB 10 - Bilag 1. Sparekatalog indstillet af LMU 090622 v2.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 2022-06-15 SB 10 - Bilag 2. Budget 2022 ekstra - Udposteret på hovedkonti - Samlet.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 2022-06-15 SB 10 - Bilag 3. Princip skemalægning.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 2022-06-15 SB 10 - Bilag 4. 9. årgang valgfag 22-23.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 2022-06-15 SB 10 - Referat.pdf Shape Created with Sketch.